Launching of Geo-mentorship Programme
Post date: Nov 16, 2015 8:15:19 AM
Launching of Geo-mentorship Programme
The Hong Kong Geographic Information System Association will officially launch the Geo-mentorship Programme on 18 November 2015 in Hong Kong to mark the occasion of the worldwide Geographic Information System (GIS) Day 2015. The aims of the Programme are: to introduce the GIS technology to the teachers and students of the primary and secondary schools; to enlighten them with the concept of GIS and its power in processing enormous amount of geographic information, and its applications in their teaching, studies and extra-curriculum activities, particularly those relating to geography. Geographic information covers all kinds of geographic feature which lie on the surface of the earth, beneath it as well as above it, and can be static and dynamic.
The approach adopted in this programme is to train-the-trainers, in that the teachers are trained by our Geo-mentors who include undergrads/graduates, practitioners, academics, in the field of GIS, and subsequently, the trained teachers will train their students in using the GIS technology and apply it in their studies. Then depending on the progress made and interest shown, the Geo-mentors will assist in the development of applications of the choice of the teachers and students.
The results of this project will be assessed for planning the way forward for the implementation of GIS in the schools, such as, the mentorship arrangement, resource requirement, and expectations of the teachers/students.
As a first move of this initiative the Geo-mentorship Programme Team will reach out to some schools on the GIS Day Event on 19th and 20th November 2015 to introduce the concept of GIS, its possible applications and success stories from other schools.
The Association wishes to acknowledge the support from Esri Inc. in USA to this programme and the generous donation of software from ESRI China (Hong Kong) Limited, including ArcGIS Online and Desktop, to the Association for the Geo-mentors to develop the GIS applications for demonstration to the teachers and students.
Schools having an interest in knowing more about or using GIS are welcome to contact Dr. Kenneth Tang, President of HKGISA, at Tel: 61320516, Fax: 25590468 or Email:
香港地理信息系統學會將於 2015年 11月 18日在香港推出一個地理信息導師計 劃,作為 2015年世界地理信息系統日的一個推廣地理信息系統項目。該計劃的 目的是介紹地理信息系統(GIS)技術給中小學的老師及學生,讓他們認識 GIS的 原理,及其處理大量地理信息的能力,並在他們的教學及校外活動方面的應用性, 特別是有關地理科目。地理信息包括各種類的地理信息,可以在地面,地下,甚 至天上,也可以靜態及動態。
計劃所採取的策略是由有豐富經驗的地理信息導師,他們包括大學生,執業及學 術界人士,首先訓練那些老師,然後那些老師再訓練他們的學生。根據訓練的進 度和興趣,地理信息導師將協助,開發師生們有興趣的應用軟件。這個計劃的初 步成果將會用作評估日後的發展,例如,導師的安排,資源的需要,及師生們的 期望等。
這個地理信息導師計劃的第一個活動,是在 2015GIS日期間,即 11月 19及 20 日,導師計劃團隊成員將會訪問參與的數間學校,向他們介紹 GIS的原理,應 用範圍,及在其他學校的成功例子。
本會在此鳴謝美國 Esri Inc.的支持, Esri中國(香港)有限公司的慷慨捐贈軟件,使地理信息導師們可以開發 GIS有關應用軟件用於演示給師生們。
學校如有興趣對 GIS作更深入的了解或應用,請與本會會長鄧兆星博士聯絡, 電話:61320516,傳真:25590468,電郵地址